Associate of Arts Pre-University | SBC

Associate of Arts Pre-University

Associate of Arts Pre-University

Associate of Arts Pre-University

On Campus
Advisor: Ryan Smith, MTS

Biblical foundations and worldview formation for university directed students.

The pre-university program is intended for students following God’s call to engage the world through academics. The program informs students with a biblical-theological worldview, skills preparing for ministry, and courses transferring to university. Students will discover how their Christian faith integrates with future studies in university.

Career & Ministry Opportunities

Graduates pursue further education at Christian universities or colleges, or at the University of Manitoba and other universities. Career paths have included social work, business, education, engineering, health care, and law.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the biblical and theological foundations for a Christian worldview.
  • Understand people, cultures, and ideas through the humanities, social sciences, and general studies.
  • Develop critical thinking, researching, writing, and communication skills to prepare for university academics.
  • Demonstrate understanding and skills for effective interpersonal and intercultural relationships.

Program Requirements

Year One: Engage

Biblical & Theological Studies (12 credits)
BI105 Biblical Interpretation
BI111 Introduction to the Bible: Old Testament
BI121 Introduction to the Bible: New Testament
TH231 Christian Theology
Arts & Sciences (15 credits)
- Arts & Sciences Elective
HU22- Christian History Elective
- Communications Elective
HU- Humanities Elective
- Social Sciences Elective
Professional Studies (3 credits)
CM101 Ministry 1: Introduction to Ministry
- Service Learning (2 units)

Year Two: Establish

Biblical & Theological Studies (6 credits)
BI221 Life and Teachings of Jesus
BI/TH- Bible/Theology Elective
Arts & Sciences (15 credits)
- English Literature Elective
HU222 Anabaptist History
HU272 Ethics
- Math/Science Elective
- Social Sciences Elective
Professional Studies (9 credits)
CM201 Ministry 2: Intercultural Ministry
- Open Electives
- Service Learning (2 units)
Total Requirements (60 credits)