Bachelor of Arts - Biblical Studies - Intercultural Studies Minor | SBC

Bachelor of Arts - Biblical Studies - Intercultural Studies Minor

Bachelor of Arts - Biblical Studies - Intercultural Studies Minor

Bachelor of Arts

Biblical Studies Major

Intercultural Studies Minor

On Campus
Advisor: Carl Loewen, MA

The Intercultural Studies specialization is for students desiring to understand cultures and for developing skills for intercultural ministry.

The program equips servant leaders with biblical foundations, an understanding of our world, and ministry focus areas. This program highlights spiritual formation and intercultural ministry experiences.

Gillian's Story - BA Christian Studies, Missions Focus

“The missions Prof [talks] a lot about the attitude you have as you go into different countries and different cultures.... I have learned that you need to go into missions, not with a paternal instinct, but go in humbly and learning from the culture you go into.

Highlight: Just being able to talk to professors whenever you need, whenever you need advice, about homework or life in general. It’s really awesome. And they always have good advice to give and they’re very wise.

The best piece of advice I’ve heard [from a Professor] would be to be patient; it’s okay if you don’t know exactly where you’re going in life and what you feel God is calling you to do. It’s okay to take the time to spend time at SBC learning and [God’s plan] will be revealed as time goes on.

Something I feel God is speaking to me, is to be patient and wait for His timing. And to spend my life right now serving him, even if I don’t’ know what’s next.

One of my favorite things that happened last year was getting an assignment in my missions class to pray every day for a different country for 40 days. From that assignment two other girls and myself ended up praying almost every night all year for each other, for girls in dorm, for guys, for professors, for whomever we knew needed prayer.

Our [missions] professor really has a lot of life experience; he’s able to tell tons of stories that really apply to what he’s teaching; that makes it interesting and you’re able to actually relate, whether it’s about the Bible or missions or religions, or whatever it is."

Career & Ministry Opportunities

Graduates are servant leaders in their churches and communities working in ministry and leadership careers including:

  • Inner city ministry in Canada and other countries
  • Church planting
  • Work with the urban poor and street children
  • Ministry with people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds
  • Medical ministry
  • Relief and development ministry
  • Bible translation

Graduates may also go on to serve their communities in areas such as education, nursing, business, social work, TESOL, agriculture, and domestic life.

Some continue in Christian seminaries and graduate schools, university studies, or vocational training.

Intercultural Studies Minor Requirements

The following courses are required to complete the Intercultural Studies minor.

HU241 World Religions
SS211 Cultural Anthropology
MI202 Introduction to Mission
MI303 Missiological Issues
SM300 Internship I
Intercultural Studies Minor Electives
Choose two of the following:
CM214 Discipleship and Evangelism
- Missions Topics (3 x 1cr)
WA301 Leading and Planning Worship
- Teaching Elective

Learning Outcomes

Intercultural Studies
  • Demonstrate a deep personal commitment to God's global agenda for mission.
  • Develop a biblical theology of mission in the context of world faiths.
  • Demonstrate an ability to negotiate cultural and social norms for contextualization of the gospel.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of issues in missions when entering intercultural ministries at home or abroad.
  • Capacity for ministry with intercultural church initiatives, including international missions, and ministries with immigrants or diverse groups.
Biblical Studies
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the Bible and evangelical Anabaptist theology.
  • Display competent biblical interpretation and practical application.
  • Practice the spiritual disciplines necessary for a lifelong faith commitment.
  • Develop critical thinking, researching, writing, and communication skills.
  • Implement problem solving skills in interpersonal and intercultural contexts.
  • Demonstrate servant leadership skills for ministry and work.

Program Requirements

Year One: Engage

Biblical & Theological Studies (12 credits)
BI105 Biblical Interpretation
BI111 Introduction to the Bible: Old Testament
BI121 Introduction to the Bible: New Testament
TH132 Introduction to Christian Theology
Arts & Sciences (6 credits)
- Communications Elective
- Interpersonal Elective
Professional Studies (14 credits)
CM101 Ministry 1: Introduction to Ministry
CM114 Spiritual Formation
- Focus/Minor or Open Elective
- Open Electives
- Service Learning (2 units)

Year Two: Establish

Biblical & Theological Studies (12 credits)
BI221 Life and Teachings of Jesus
- OT Prophets Elective
- NT Bible Elective
TH232 Theology of God, Prayer, and Community
Arts & Sciences (12 credits)
- English Literature Elective
HU222 Anabaptist History
HU272 Ethics
- World Cultures Elective
Professional Studies (8 credits)
CM201 Ministry 2: Intercultural Ministry
- Focus/Minor or Open Elective
- Open Electives
- Service Learning (2 units)

Year Three: Equip

Biblical & Theological Studies (9 credits)
- OT Bible Elective (Year 3)
- NT Bible Elective (Year 3)
TH332 Theology of Jesus, Discipleship, and Community
Arts & Sciences (9 credits)
HU22- Christian History Elective
- Integrative Studies
- Social Sciences Elective
Professional Studies (14 credits)
- International Ministry or Discipleship and Evangelism
- Leadership Elective
CM304 Servant Leadership Seminar II
- Focus/Minor or Open Electives
- Open Electives
- Service Learning (1 unit)
Total Requirements (96 credits)