Bachelor of Arts - Biblical Studies - Worship Focus | SBC

Bachelor of Arts - Biblical Studies - Worship Focus

Bachelor of Arts - Biblical Studies - Worship Focus

Bachelor of Arts

Biblical Studies Major

Worship Focus

On Campus
Advisor: Arlene Friesen, MTS

The Worship specialization is for students desiring to worship God and for developing skills in worship ministry.

The program equips servant leaders with biblical foundations, an understanding of our world, and ministry focus areas. This program highlights spiritual formation and intercultural ministry experiences.

Andrew's Story

“I felt a call on my life to learn more about God’s Word and learn how to use my gifts for His glory. I decided to check [SBC] out and after a month I decided to stay for three years.”

My plan is to get into missions after I graduate; I’m not sure what it’ll look like just yet. My other dream is to become a worship pastor.

On Worship Development: Working together with a group of other musicians who are all very talented and finding out how we can work together to make beautiful music. Also how to be authentic in leading worship, not just playing a show, but actually being involved and engaged in worship. Also having a group of others helps me stay accountable to not doing it for myself, but rather focusing on what God wants.

He (our worship professor) pushes us. He pushes me to do things I didn’t think I could do. He’s not afraid to point out when we make mistakes to encourage us to be our best.

One thing I’ve learned: people notice when you’re being authentic. There’s a couple times when I’ve done an act because I thought it needed to be done, but people pick up on that. It helps me be authentic and actually put my heart into it.

On Bible Study: Focusing on a specific book and then writing a paper may seem like a lot of work, but a lot of wisdom can be gleaned from it. I think the most valuable part is picking a passage and finding the meaning behind it and applying it to my life.

For my first year, my favorite course was biblical interpretation. The professor really encouraged us to dive headlong into scripture, read it for all its worth and apply it to my life which was really awesome.”

Career & Ministry Opportunities

Graduates are servant leaders in their churches serving in areas of teaching, children's ministry, counselling, missions, pastoral, worship, and youth ministries. Some continue in Christian seminaries and graduate schools, university studies, or vocational training. Graduates serve their communities in areas such as education, nursing, business, social work, TESOL, agriculture, and domestic life.

Worship Focus Requirements

WA201 Biblical Theology of Worship
WA301 Leading and Planning Worship
Worship Focus Electives
Choose two of the following:
- Ensemble (3 or 6 credits)
- Music Lessons (3 x 1cr)
WA210 Worship Arts Topics
WA222 Drama Production

Learning Outcomes

  • Know the biblical foundation of worship ministry and apply these to local church worship services.
  • Demonstrate the ability to guide a group in leading a congregation or smaller group in corporate worship.
  • Understand the use of imagination for expressing Christian faith in life and worship.
  • Be understanding of worship traditions and be willing to minister in a variety of styles.
  • Acquire one performance skill in music or drama that can be used in leading or contributing to corporate worship.
Biblical Studies
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge of the Bible and evangelical Anabaptist theology.
  • Display competent biblical interpretation and practical application.
  • Practice the spiritual disciplines necessary for a lifelong faith commitment.
  • Develop critical thinking, researching, writing, and communication skills.
  • Implement problem solving skills in interpersonal and intercultural contexts.
  • Demonstrate servant leadership skills for ministry and work.

Program Requirements

Year One: Engage

Biblical & Theological Studies (12 credits)
BI105 Biblical Interpretation
BI111 Introduction to the Bible: Old Testament
BI121 Introduction to the Bible: New Testament
TH132 Introduction to Christian Theology
Arts & Sciences (6 credits)
- Communications Elective
- Interpersonal Elective
Professional Studies (14 credits)
CM101 Ministry 1: Introduction to Ministry
CM114 Spiritual Formation
- Focus/Minor or Open Elective
- Open Electives
- Service Learning (2 units)

Year Two: Establish

Biblical & Theological Studies (12 credits)
BI221 Life and Teachings of Jesus
- OT Prophets Elective
- NT Bible Elective
TH232 Theology of God, Prayer, and Community
Arts & Sciences (12 credits)
- English Literature Elective
HU222 Anabaptist History
HU272 Ethics
- World Cultures Elective
Professional Studies (8 credits)
CM201 Ministry 2: Intercultural Ministry
- Focus/Minor or Open Elective
- Open Electives
- Service Learning (2 units)

Year Three: Equip

Biblical & Theological Studies (9 credits)
- OT Bible Elective (Year 3)
- NT Bible Elective (Year 3)
TH332 Theology of Jesus, Discipleship, and Community
Arts & Sciences (9 credits)
HU22- Christian History Elective
- Integrative Studies
- Social Sciences Elective
Professional Studies (14 credits)
- International Ministry or Discipleship and Evangelism
- Leadership Elective
CM304 Servant Leadership Seminar II
- Focus/Minor or Open Electives
- Open Electives
- Service Learning (1 unit)
Total Requirements (96 credits)